School uniform
The wearing of a school uniform lends itself to practicality, durability
and sensible fashion. Our P&C Association has designated our school as a
uniform school and endorses the implementation of a school uniform policy.
Therefore children are encouraged to wear their uniform and we do ask for your
support and co-operation.
When children visit places on excursion, represent the school, have school
photos taken or play competitive sport, it is desirable that they are dressed
in the appropriate school uniform. Thongs are not permitted as they are a
safety hazard. The wearing of shoes/joggers/sand shoes and socks
and a wide-brimmed hat is COMPULSORY.
Uniform Shop Times
The Uniform Shop is open on Monday and Wednesday from 8:30am to 9:00am. Any enquiries can
be directed to Mrs Katie Burt, our uniform coordinator, by contacting 0457 691 249 or the school office on 46729222. A copy of the current order form is available here - uniform-order-forms2019.pdf
Order forms are also
available from the school office.
Unisex Uniform (Summer)
Shirt: Lacoste
polo, maroon left panel, back and right sleeve. Gold right panel, tab
and left
sleeve. Maroon collar with gold CHINCHILLA lettering. (Available only through
the Tuckshop)
Shorts, Skirts or Skorts: Black
Socks: White
Shoes: Black

Unisex Uniform (Winter)
Summer uniform with maroon sweatshirt or jacket (may be bought from
tuckshop) with black tracksuit pants.
Unisex Uniform (Sport) Worn on a Wednesday.
Shirt: Polo
shirts in house colours with school logo on the left hand side.
Shorts: Black
Skirt: Black
pleated wrap around skirt
Bike Pants: Bike
pants must be black (to be worn under skirt). Bike pants are NOT to be worn
without the skirt over them.
Socks: White
Shoes: Sports shoes, preferably white.