Reading is a high priority at Chinchilla State School and the Library and Resource Centre are central to promoting that focus.
Students are encouraged to borrow regularly during their class library times. Books may be borrowed for up to two weeks with children able to extend that time should they need to. Students are also encouraged to visit during lunch breaks, before and after school to check out newly arrived books, check on upcoming events and competitions or buy books from the regularly held Book Fairs.
The Library and Resource Centre also has a number of large teaching spaces where classes can work together or can work in small groups. There are also small pods of computers available for individual research or focused topic study. Small media
and withdrawal rooms are also available for other group activities.
Lost or damaged library books are the responsibility of the borrower and sometimes it may be necessary to send accounts for the book's replacement cost.
The Library and Resource Centre collection consists of reference material, information books, fiction, picture books, audio books and magazines for students. There is also a Teacher Reference section.